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Immotalise Zwingina, Name A Building In SPY, NOA Office After Him - KaaKaaKey Adamawa

Adamu Muhammad Dodo

The erudite scholar, school administrator, seasoned broadcaster and Public Relations professional, Sir, Abubakar Abba Tahir PhD, KaaKaaKey the mouthpiece of Adamawa Emirate and Fombina Dynasty has called on the Adamawa state government to immortalise Senator Jonathan Silas Zwingina of blessed memory. 

In Tahir's touching tribute to the fallen hero Friday, Zwingina's sojourn as an erudite scholar, rhetorician, selfless-service public-servant, pure-minded politician, servant-leader, hero and mentor among other qualifiers, is poetically recollected, stimulating an eye and thought for the spirit of immortality, what Emily Dickinson would in tranquility recollect, by means of analogy that "The Poets light but Lamps," even though they will eventually be transited to great beyond, "Themselves — go out," what they have illuminated in the sense of inspiration, knowledge and awareness will however live after them.

Dickinson poems reads:

The Poets light but Lamps —
Themselves — go out —
The Wicks they stimulate
If vital Light

Inhere as do the Suns —
Each Age a Lens
Disseminating their
Circumference —

In the same vein, "Adamawa would do good to Zwingina’s legacy, If a building at SPY or the NOA office is named as Zwingina House; any would be a very befitting immortalization to a lifelong patriot who gave his all to his people and country" KaaKaaKey would kick-start

Find below the full text of the tribute making call:  

1 The name first rang in my ears since I was teenaging
2 Then I was hardly able to spell or call it out correctly 

3 All along I thought the name meant “Zangina”

4 Meaning I could construct, in Hausa language 

5 Or better still, to others it could mean I can build

6 The twining of letters Z and W was also tough for me

7 Until the career broadcaster in me began to roar
8 One thing about him was characteristic outspokenness 

9 A man blessed with uncommon scholarship and erudition

10 Aside from his academic exploits at the old CPS

11 The late Senator made a mark on the National scene

12 He shone so brightly as a federated parliamentarian
13 His voice was always anticipated on all issues
14 He was one of the leading lights at MAMSER

15 The Mass Mobilization Agency under Jerry Gana

16 President IBB mandated Gana to recruit the brightest
17 To lead the agency in all the States of Nigeria
18 Zwingina came in handy for the defunct Gongola

19 Much later, I was on NYSC under Gana in Lagos
20 I had reasons to come closer to Dr. Zwingina 

21 At this time AbduRahman Abba was among his trusted boys

22 Zwingina, Dr. Musa Moda of Bauchi and a few others 

23 Had to frequently be calling on their big boss
24 I was merely an Information Assistant at MAMSER

25 Meeting and learning from the greats so early
26 I admired their engagements and camaraderie

27 MAMSER much later metamorphosed into NOA
28 Zwingina was one of Gana’s most trusted aides 

29 He was one of the most performing Directors at MAMSER

30 Gifted with a SilverTongue, he was unstoppable 

31 In the classroom, his courses were hotter cakes
32 In politics he was the focus of public attention
33 At the home-front he was the family rallying point 

34 At public events we scrambled for his handshake
35 Senator Zwingina always remained option alpha 

36 Yes, because he could construct public psyche
37 “Zangina” he seemed to say and indeed engaged all 

38 Imbued with a captivating sense of sophistry 

39 Entangled with a remarkable sense of humor 

40 A man of all men who hardly had any privacy  

41 A teacher, politician, community servant and all

42 His students transcend the classrooms and academia 

43 They are everywhere, at the workplace and the marketplace

44 His demise leaves multiple vacuums in all destinations 

45 In politics, community, country and the world

46 Silas remains a household name all over Gongola 

47 And indeed his larger constituency of Nigeria 

48 In academics, a familiar terrain he will never be forgotten 

49 In governance his imprints in legislative engineering are golden 

50 In society the great name remains a shining symbol 

51 Indeed an exemplary beacon for generations 

52 At seventy he has paid his dues to humanity 

53 As a role model his mentees will miss him less

54 Less indeed because he left them a legacy  

55 They would have missed him more if unmentored  

56 I wish he had taught me formally in the classroom 

57 That I missed the chance to be his formal student 

58 I got enough informally from his vast intellectual farmhouse  

59 Many others learnt hugely from his immense wisdom  

60 Any citation on this rare Gem could be very irresistible 

61 Adamawa would do good to Zwingina’s legacy 

62 If a building at SPY is ever named after the great man 

63 Or if the NOA office is named Zwingina House 

64 Any would be a very befitting immortalization 

65 To a lifelong patriot who gave his all to his people and country!

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