Northwest University VC, Prof. Maigari, Congratulates Sokoto Governor on First-Year Anniversary

The Vice Chancellor of Northwest University Sokoto, Professor Ahmad Maigari Ibrahim, congratulates His Excellency, Dr. Ahmad Aliyu Sokoto, FCNA, on his one year in office as the duly elected Executive Governor of Sokoto State. On behalf of the management of Northwest University Sokoto and the peace-loving people of the University, I wish to register our hearty congratulations to His Excellency, Dr. Ahmad Aliyu Sokoto, FCNA, on his one year in office today, May 29th, 2024.

Your Excellency, Sir, you have justified the mandate freely given to you by God and the vast majority of the good people of Sokoto State. Since government is a continuum, your administration in Sokoto State has consolidated the gains of the past administration of Senator Aminu Waziri Tambuwal. You have overseen the successful completion of several major legacy projects as a way of sustaining development in the state, in line with your campaign promises.

Your administration has continued to prioritize human capital development. There's been tremendous improvement in the healthcare delivery system, education, and workers' welfare, among other areas.

Your Excellency, you have deployed a more effective mechanism for sustaining peace in the state, initiated programs, policies, and projects with a direct impact on the lives of our citizens. Without mincing words, Sokoto State is undoubtedly on the path of sustained growth and development with you at the helm of affairs.

The people of Sokoto State are particularly grateful to Your Excellency for making Sokoto the focal point of your industrial drive. In no time, we will be able to boast of having a modern bus terminal, one of the best in the country, which will boost commercial activities in our council area and the state at large.

The People's Amadun Alu, Sir, the successes recorded within the span of one year of your administration in Sokoto State are unprecedented. I make bold to state that Your Excellency is re-engineering the structural foundation of our dear state.

I congratulate you on this impactful year of your administration in Sokoto State. We look forward to more promising and fruitful years ahead as you continue to navigate the affairs of our dear state. Be assured of our continued prayers, support, and loyalty at all times, Sir.

Once again, congratulations and best wishes always to the People's Governor.

Kasimu Muhammad
Public Relations Officer
Northwest University Sokoto
Wednesday, May 29, 2024
