A massive setback Amidst TCN's Efforts to Fix Collapse Tower in the North East

In a concerning turn of events, the Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN) has reported a series of incidents affecting power infrastructure in the North East region, culminating in the collapse of a crucial transmission tower.

The collapse occurred early this morning, on May 27th, 2024, when tower number T290 along the Jos – Gombe 330kV transmission line gave way during the cable stringing process. This collapse, happening at a critical juncture of the project, has dealt a significant blow to efforts aimed at restoring power in the area.

Despite the prevailing security challenges in the region, TCN contractors and engineering staff had been working tirelessly to expedite the project. However, the collapse of the tower has necessitated extensive reconstruction efforts, delaying the anticipated restoration timeline.

The situation is further exacerbated by additional acts of vandalism targeting power infrastructure in the region. Three towers along the Biu – Danbua 132kV transmission line were vandalized, resulting in their collapse. Furthermore, tower T540 along the Makurdi – Jos 330kV double circuit transmission line has also been subjected to vandalism, with sections of the tower removed.

TCN has swiftly mobilized resources to address the damage, with contractors tasked with reconstructing the collapsed towers and conducting emergency repairs on the vandalized sections. Despite these efforts, the incidents have disrupted power supply in the region, prompting TCN to reiterate its commitment to restoring normal bulk power supply through collaboration with distribution companies.

Ndidi Mbah, General Manager of Public Affairs at TCN, emphasized the urgent need for collective vigilance in protecting power infrastructure from vandalism. Mbah urged residents to report any suspicious activities promptly, underscoring the importance of safeguarding collective assets for the benefit of the community.

As TCN works diligently to address the challenges posed by these incidents, the support and cooperation of the community are paramount in ensuring a reliable and resilient power infrastructure in the North East region.

For further updates on the situation, TCN encourages residents to stay informed through official channels.
