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Ardo Usman: Defying Odds, Creating Opportunities, and Inspiring Change

By Mohammed Ismail

Ardo Usman epitomizes resilience, determination, and a fervent desire to thrive despite facing life's adversities. His journey wasn't one of privilege; instead, it began with a near-death experience at the age of eight after receiving a polio vaccine, leaving him with impaired legs and a lifetime of immobility.

However, Ardo Usman refused to be defined by his disability. Rising above despair, he channeled his energy into hard work, recognizing that in today's society, there's no place for complacency. He stands as a testament that with a relentless spirit and unwavering commitment, no obstacle is insurmountable.

A multifaceted individual, Ardo Usman is an entrepreneur, motivator, trainer, and youth leader, amalgamating these roles seamlessly. His impact on society is profound; single-handedly creating numerous job opportunities and contributing significantly to both the national GDP and the reduction of unemployment-induced crimes. His dedication extends to humanity's development, having trained hundreds of youths in the art of shoemaking in Adamawa and beyond.

In an interview, Ardo Usman recounted the emotional distress of his sudden disability. "I was not born disabled. Polio changed my life at eight in Gombi, Adamawa State," he shared. "Life became a struggle, but I refused to succumb to the myths and stigma. I knew self-pity would lead nowhere. I chose to rewrite my story."

"Disability, I realized, is a state of mind," Ardo continued. "I decided against becoming a recipient of pity. I embraced my assets - my mind, spirit, and hands - and excelled. Despite my immobility, I see myself as able-bodied."

Ardo Usman's achievements are notable. "I train able-bodied individuals across Adamawa State," he affirmed. "I've empowered over 250 shoemakers, enabling me to provide for my family, including two adopted orphans, ensuring their education and well-being."

Reflecting on his journey, Ardo Usman acknowledges the solitary support he received. "I appeal to well-meaning Nigerians, the government, and NGOs for support. Together, we can elevate Adamawa's shoemaking industry onto the global stage."

Ardo Usman's story is one of triumph over adversity, a beacon of hope, and an inspiration to embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and change.

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