Adamawa State Governor Boosts NYSC Corps Members’ Welfare with Increased Allowance

Governor Ahmadu Umaru Fintiri of Adamawa State has unequivocally pledged unwavering support and tangible benefits for Corps members serving in the state.

During the recent swearing-in ceremony for the 2023 Batch C, Stream 2 corps members undertaking their mandatory national service, Governor Fintiri made a resolute commitment to prioritize the welfare of these young patriots.

In a statement shared via his official Twitter-X handle, Governor Fintiri enthusiastically welcomed the incoming corps members, recognizing their pivotal role in nation-building. Notably, he announced a noteworthy enhancement to their monthly allowances, a generous addition of N10,000 to mitigate the impact of subsidy removal, ensuring a more comfortable stay during their service year.

Additionally, Governor Fintiri assured the corps members of an enriching orientation experience, highlighting his directive for essential supplies of food items, guaranteeing a memorable and fulfilling commencement to their service journey.

Encouraging engagement and camaraderie among the corps members, the governor emphasized the importance of exploring talents and fostering friendships during the Orientation Course.

Governor Fintiri's unequivocal dedication to the welfare and empowerment of NYSC corps members reflects a commitment beyond mere words, ensuring a conducive and supportive environment for their service to the nation.


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