It's Defamation plotted against Mr Suleiman Tela said Coalition Group

In a statement issued by 
coalition of two civil society organization named Integrity Watch International and Adamawa Concern Citizen states that the petition filed by Mr. Habib Garba and Amos Douglaus against Abubakar Tela Suleiman is a defamation of character.

The statement Reads below:

In Defence of Mr. Abubakar Tela Suleiman (Tambari Mubi)
Integrity watch international is a non profit organization that tracks and monitors the conduct, activities and performance of highly placed public servants who are entrusted with enormous public, social and community responsibility in their country of origin.

In Nigeria’s, North Eastern Geo-Political Region and with collaborative assistance from our affiliate “Adamawa Concern Citizens” which is a network defending the interest of the poor and vulnerable in the state Integrity Watch International is realistically venturing to defend Mr. Abubakar Tela Suleiman against the unjust, unreasonable and unwarranted petition that was submitted to various agencies by Mr. Habib Garba and Amos Douglaus. 

The petitioners should have been aware that the “Integrated Payroll Personal Information System (IPPS)” that was introduced, by the previous government of President Mohammadu Buhari is, centrally controlled in Abuja and no one can break into the data system from a ministry or parastatal and engage in Fraudulent activities. 

Therefore there is no way anybody from Yola could temper or influence any payment except if the petitioners are questioning the integrity of the President or Minister of Finance.
The attempt to drag Mr. Abubakar Tela Suleiman down by Habib Garba and Amos Douglaus is a wicked plan to destroy the Fabrics of his commendable efforts and commitment in public service as an Assistant Director Finance and Immense Developmental strides in community related activities that have impacted so much in Adamawa and the region as a whole.

This appreciable efforts has endeared him to receive numerous traditional titles from his immediate traditional ruler as Talban Belel and Tambari Mubi all approved by the His Excellency the Governor of Adamawa State and highly respected Emir of Mubi.

There is no doubt that having a credible personality like Mr. Suleiman Tela Abubakar would bring massive sympathy and human development to the state and region, this is attributed to the fact that Mr. Suleiman Tela Abubakar is confirmed to be highly de-tribalized and beyond religious limitations of any sorts.

Finally we call on the petitioners to recall their unwarranted and unsolicited petition and issue a public apology to Mr. Suleiman Tela Abubakar so that his constituents would experience relieve to the grueling misadventure. 
We also call on Mr. Suleiman Tela Abubakar to concentrate on his work schedule and always remember that Adamawa people are fully behind him to achieve his aims in life.


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